Saturday 21 September 2013

The Carbon Philter Institute - The Racist & Corrupted - Hunters.: Lee Jasper - Half-Caste Criminal, Gang-leader aka 'The General'. Acts as Race & Police Advisor to Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone. Sick Married Criminal Jasper Sends Sordid 'Suck Me Hard...I Want to Lick Your Honey Glazed C** t' Message to Married Muslim Karen Chohan - His Black-Hating Asian Lover.

The Carbon Philter Institute - The Racist & Corrupted - Hunters.: Lee Jasper - Half-Caste Criminal, Gang-leader aka 'The General'. Acts as Race & Police Advisor to Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone. Sick Married Criminal Jasper Sends Sordid 'Suck Me Hard...I Want to Lick Your Honey Glazed C** t' Message to Married Muslim Karen Chohan - His Black-Hating Asian Lover.

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