Friday 20 December 2013

Can You Really Make Money On Fiverr? Yes You Can.

Can You Really Make Money On Fiverr? Yes You Can... i am saying this because i was asking myself the same question, i joined a year ago and i didn't really use it to make money but i was buying gigs.

Then i stated think of ways i can make money on fiverr, i created my first gig, thinking well, let see if i ca get any money form it, to my surprise within a month, i had my first order, my gig is about commenting on your website, blog or youtube videos, i post positive comments for 5 days for a tinny whinny five dollars, once the gig has been delivered, i get four dollars and keeps a dollar, fair isn't it... love fiverr.

Ok, it is not the best video but it does the job, i will creat a good one lol!

Please check fiverr out you, Lot's of people are making a lot of money on fiverr, i do too... i am on level two already in the last 6 month since i started with my gig, so... my monthly average is $75 , please do check me out... look for sthe26, or click here and i am happy the way things are going and i encourage you to go to and start making money with fiverr
Check my Youtube channel for more about me

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