Thursday 12 December 2013

Dolores Cannon | The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth + Amazon

 This is a great book about | Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth 

Dolores continues to report what she has discovered during her regressions. She has found that many beings have volunteered to incarnate at this time to help change the energy of the Earth so as to avoid catastrophe and to "help raise the energy of the people to that they can ascend with the Earth into the next dimension".

The first wave of volunteers were born at the end of the 40s, the second wave are now in their late 20s and 30s and the third wave is composed of the new children, many of whom are now in their teens. The first wave are disturbed by strong emotions and many try to commit suicide - they don't want to be here. The second wave focus on helping others, create no karma and have an energy that affects others strongly - they don't have to do anything, they just have to be. However, they don't feel comfortable around other people. The DNA of the third wave has already been altered. But they are misunderstood and generally diagnosed with ADHD and put on Ritalin. There is nothing wrong with them - they are just more advanced and "operating on a different frequency". They need challenges to keep them interested.
Dolores Cannon | The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth + Amazon

There are tens of thousands of these new souls all over the world. The "purest and most innocent of all" are those that come directly from the Source. The Source is God, or the Great Central Sun, and is "full of love, total love". When those who have come directly from the Source go there during Dolores' sessions, they don't want to leave again.
Get yours at Amazon  The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth  by Dolores Cannon

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